Coaching for Conscious Living
The essence of coaching provides two things. Awareness and Responsibility. When we receive coaching we ask our coach to help us shine a light on areas we wish to develop (awareness) and we then commit (responsibility) to develop or improve.
It is a powerful process and has empowering results.
At present coaching is the fastest growing modality for self development and people development in Business. Coaching is no longer just a sporting term, it is a fundamental tool in business and in life. It is now common for businesses to talk in terms of a 'coaching culture'.
Coaching as a tool is successful for one simple reason - it dynamically encourages the Coachee to engage and empower themselves to take responsibility for their own development and progress in their lives. Now more than ever this is essential in the development of the human existence. Coaching is playing a key role in our human evolution, in my opinion. As we evolve technology, industry, manufacturing, we need to evolve as humans too, and coaching is supporting us in doing that.
By becoming more conscious, more self aware, and by taking responsibility for all that we do and all that we choose not to do, we are able to better evolve as humans. Transparency is a vital tool in evolving as humans. Learning to be awake and transparent to the thoughts, the emotions we experience enables us to take responsibility. Being awake to the behaviour we express as a result of the thoughts and emotions is also ‘becoming more conscious’.
“The wise gardener, when transplanting a sapling, will uncoil the tender tap root, weight its tip, and carefully thread it down a long, vertical hole driven deep into the earth with a metal bar. The small amount of time invested in this process so early in the tree’s life ensures its survival and allows it to develop faster and become stronger than its commercially grown siblings. Wise business leaders use coaching to emulate the good gardener.” Sir John Whitmore - Coaching for Performance
Coaching for Wholistic Life
Coaching plays a key role in The Wholistic Life as it provides an opportunity for clients to look at their life both personally and professionally and place it in one frame. We are the same human at work and at home. This is the Whole Approach - to bring balance to our life by understanding how we live our life and where we find imbalance, what changes we can and want to make to allow balance to return.
Whether we are conscious of this fact or not, we are all leaders. Whether that be leaders of others or simply leading ourselves through this life, we are all self leaders and influencers in the field. To live consciously and with an approach of awakened self leadership is fundamental to living a life of harmony and happiness.
Coaching Services
Personal Coaching
This is a 1-2-1 format where you are giving yourself permission to focus on you and what you want from your life. It is powerful, dynamic and exciting. Don’t put off your dreams any longer. Call today to book a session and let’s begin that journey.
Professional Coaching
So often work can be an unforgiving place with nowhere to re-integrate or seek solace. Often we just need time out to reflect, refocus and recharge. To perform at the levels we expect of ourselves and others expect of us, we need to find ways to self-nurture, to maintain enthusiasm and to re-adjust our perspectives of ourselves, our life and of others. Coaching offers a fresh perspective and opportunity to regroup, gain clarity and act with a renewed sense of purpose.
Bespoke package by arrangement - call for more information.
Leadership and Team Development
To stay ahead of the game, businesses are constantly required to innovate. The most important development can only be the innovation and evolution and empowerment of your people. Research shows that businesses investing in a coaching culture enjoy improved productivity and performance in staff. Team cohesion and inter-communication is improved. Employees report a greater sense of purpose and clarity after coaching. Taking a whole approach to individual and team development in your business creates a pathway to greater success and satisfaction in performance.
Bespoke package by arrangement - call for more information.
Youth Coaching & Mentoring
This can either be a 1-2-1 format or group format depending on requirement.
Transitioning to College or University, to work, or from the family home to your own home - life can be a time of many firsts at this age. Coaching during this time of change can inject confidence and boost self esteem to handle the stress and uncertainty of transition.
What's the format?
My fundamental premise with coaching is that you are the expert of you and you have all the resources within you, to be the best you can be. My role by listening, observing and
raising questions, is to challenge and support you, towards being your best self.
Who is coaching for?
Coaching for individuals or businesses that want to grow, want to develop and have goals to achieve. I work with individuals, personally and professionally and organisations in team development. Your life or business may be just as you have planned it to be right now. So why would you need a coach? Well, it rarely pays to stand still. What is next for you or your business? Working with a coach is the ideal preparation and support for your next achievement - personal or professional.
What will coaching do for me?
What difference do you want to make in your life and what are you willing to do to get there? Being human, we are always interested in doing more, being better, and living life a little fuller. As your coach, I can help you outline your goals, work through any obstacles or fears you may have in starting your project and seeing it through. I work with you to plan the necessary steps for you to live the life you want. Remember, you have all the resources you need already within you - coaching is the process to help those skills and talents come alive and reach their potential.
What is the Coaching Process?
Call me to discuss your requirements. We can then have a 20 - 30 minute conversation to clarify your requirements and what you wish to achieve from the coaching.
Once you agree to coaching, we discuss how many sessions you want or need and schedule dates.
Congratulations! You have started your journey.
Each session is usually for an hour.
I send through a coaching agreement which outlines the coaching relationship and the standards which I adhere to.
Where possible I prefer to coach face to face, or at least hold the first meeting face to face. However, I also do coaching sessions by phone, by Skype or Zoom.
Coaching confidentiality
I adhere to the codes of conduct of the Association for Coaching (AC), and the Association for Neuro Linguistic Programming (ANLP) to ensure that all my client interactions remain private and confidential.
Personal experiences from clients
"It was clear from our first interaction onwards that James is incredibly savvy when it comes to the human story, and that he delights in unlocking his clients true potential. It has been a tremendously rewarding experience working with him to better clarify my true personal performance objectives, and to subsequently achieve these in such a smooth and surprising fashion. He expertly facilitated my understanding of my internal blockers and has helped me to better access my resourcefulness to effectively overcome these, while building upon my reserves of resilience to better respond to new challenges as they arise. Having had past experience with coaching interventions I can clearly see when someone does it well, and James' elegant, subtle yet powerful method of working is the best I've had exposure to - validated by my renewed sense of inspiration and clarity of presence post the sessions. I highly recommend coaching with James if you are ready to take responsibility for your best future and you need the best facilitation to help you get there now."
Jonathon Blair - SFC at System Partners (Australia)
Background & Training
Coaching Qualifications & Registrations:
Diploma in Business and Life Coaching - Accredited by The Association for Coaching (AC)
Master Practitioner of NLP - Accredited by The Association for NLP (ANLP)
Practicing Member of the UK College of Personal Development (UKCPD)
Having grown up in South Africa, been educated in England, built up businesses in Portugal and the UK and spent prolonged periods in India, I can safely say I have enjoyed a life of adventure. I have always preferred to follow my intuition to live life as I ‘feel’ rather than as I ‘should’. I have learnt to trust my ‘gut’ and follow my intuition.
I followed my intuition to leave a corporate career and retrain to start my first landscaping business. Making career-changing choices does not come without challenges. How to face those challenges led me to enquire further into my own personal empowerment and self reference as quite often I have had to ‘dig deep’ to find those inner resources of courage and conviction.
Since then the topic of self empowerment has become a personal passion of mine. I have spent the last 25 years on a personal study of the mind, body and spirit field. How to manage the mind and self regulate emotions - drawing from ancient knowledge, meditation techniques, mindfulness and emotional intelligence. I have experienced how fundamental our Breath is to our state of mind and emotional wellbeing.
From these life experiences I have developed a collection of life tools that have become a powerful resource for living life in a balanced way - The Wholistic Life.
Coaching and NLP have simply added to that. Studying NLP has been a revelation, seeing the similarities between the knowledge of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and the mind body wisdom contained within ancient texts of the Vedas and Yogic principles. NLP has outlined a model for our mental, emotional and physical behaviour and is today playing a significant part in structuring personal development into an understandable art.
I am passionate about the Coaching & NLP approach. It works. Seeing my clients arrive with a mix of their fears, concerns or challenges, my reward is to see them leave with a toolbox of resources and strategies to create the desired changes and forward momentum towards their goals.