Pricing & Packages
Wholistic Life Packages
Personal Coaching
Deep Dive - £400
3 hr deep dive to get unstuck, get clear and get traction to move forward. Change can happen in a heartbeat and sometimes it just needs a fresh perspective to create that shift.
Awaken & Empower
Flexi format - 6 x 1hr weekly sessions or 2 hour deep dive followed by 4 x 1hr sessions. Email support available in between sessions.
The perfect programme to get clarity, reset & recommit to your purpose or desired outcome. Create renewed confidence in yourself and empowerment in your actions. Awaken your inner leader to new possibilities and a greater sense of self. It’s time to get conscious about who you are here to be.
6 hours Coaching £810 (10% Discount)
Transform & Evolve
12 hours of Coaching £1530 (15% discount)
Flexi format - 12 x 1hr sessions or 2 hour deep dive followed by 10 x 1hr sessions within 3-4 months.
Email support in between sessions.
Take yourself to the next level of your evolution of personal and professional development. Transform and grow through a deeper exploration, understanding and connection to the next phase in your life.
Professional Coaching.
Business & Team Development.
Bespoke packs designed - call for more information.
Youth Coaching & Mentoring
Transitioning to College or University, to work, or from the family home to your own home - life can be a time of many firsts at this age. Coaching during this time of change can inject confidence and boost self esteem to handle the stress and uncertainty of transition.
Single session 1 hour - £80.
Block of 4 hours - £300
Resonance Reset: Coaching & PURE Sound Immersion
Resonance Reset:
Coaching & Vocal Sound Immersion
3 hr deep dive - powerful and dynamic session using coaching exploration into what you wish to work on whether it’s something to clear, resolve, rebalance or reset. These intentions are then set into motion using the power of resonance and vocal sound waves to harmonise your whole system on every level, mentally emotionally & physically.